International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
<header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Aims and Scope</strong></h1> </header> <div class="entry-content"> <p>Makawanpur Multiple Campus (MMC) is a non-profit making community campus located in Hetauda, Makawanpur, Nepal. It was established on Magh 19, 2037 BS (February 1, 1981 AD). It is a QAA (Quality Assurance & Accreditation) certified academic institution by UGC, Nepal. The campus is publishing a peer reviewed journal entitled “International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC) that publishes original research articles quarterly in all areas of Social Sciences, Management, Education, Law, Science and Technology etc.</p> <p>The main aim of the journal is to encourage all students, faculties, and researchers to engage in research, carry out research work and provide global platform for all scholars.</p> <p class="has-medium-font-size"><strong>Publication Frequency</strong></p> <p>IRJMMC publishes four issues a year.</p> <p class="has-medium-font-size"><strong>The Editorial Process</strong></p> <p>Authors are requested to visit the author guidelines first to prepare the article before submission. Submitted manuscript format will be reviewed and the author will be informed about further process by the research coordinator. Then the received manuscript will be submitted to the review committee that will forward it to the concerned reviewers for the blind peer review. The author will be informed about the comments of the reviewers. The author will have to return the corrected article within one week for the further process of publication. The Chief Editor will be responsible for the quality of the journal article concerning its publication. </p> <p class="has-medium-font-size"><strong>Open Access Policy</strong></p> <p>This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.</p> <p class="has-medium-font-size"><strong>Copyright</strong></p> <p>Copyright of the articles is transferred to Makawanpur Multiple Campus.</p> <p class="has-medium-font-size"><strong>Article Processing Fees</strong></p> <p>Cost of Hard copy: Rs 200/<br />For a Nepali author (After the article is accepted for publication): Rs 2000/<br />For a foreign author (After the article is accepted for publication): USD 50/</p> <p class="has-medium-font-size"><strong>Sources of Support</strong></p> <p>UGC Nepal supports the publication.</p> <p>Makawanpur Multiple Campus has established a Research Management Cell and campus allocates certain percentage from monthly tuition fee collection.</p> <p>The MMC Campus also get support from the local and provincial government of Nepal.</p> <p class="has-medium-font-size"><strong>Publisher</strong></p> <p>The International Research Journal of MMC is published by Makawanpur Multiple Campus<a href="">.</a></p> </div>Makawanpur Multiple Campus, Hetauda, Nepalen-USInternational Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)2717-4980Impact of Microfinance on Economic and Social Spending Patterns of User Groups- Evidence from Western Hill, Nepal
<p>Microfinance refers to financial services such as loans, saving, insurance and other basis banking products. These services are typically offered by MFIs, aiming to empower and support low income and underserved communities who are often excluded from formal banking sector due to the factors like poverty, lack of collateral and limited credit history. This paper delves into the impact of microfinance services on user groups in the Western Hills of Nepal. This research work follows mixed methods approach. Thematic analysis and statistical software have been applied for the analysis of data obtained from the field study. The majority of microfinance users in the study are found female, married, engaged in agriculture, having primary education and using this service for several years mainly for expanding business. As per the answer of the respondents, MFIs cater to the poor and fulfill their needs, improvement in household income, and access to education, healthcare and women participation in economic actives. The study revealed that there is significant increase in monthly income, saving and bank balance, spending on education and small business after the involvement in microfinance service. Consumption and health spending found decreasing, and festival spending remained relatively unchanged after the involvement. High interest rate and loan repayment system found challenging in the study area. This study suggests that there is need to address these challenges to enhance its effectiveness further and ensure financial stability for the microfinance user groups of the study area.</p>Sudarshan Silwal
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-315511310.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73246जेन रहस्यान्वेषणका मूलभूत पक्ष (Basic aspects of Zen mysticism)
<p>प्रस्तुत लेख जेन रहस्यान्वेषणका मूलभूत पक्षको अध्ययन गर्नुमा केन्द्रित छ । रहस्यवादका क्षेत्रमा भिन्न धारणा लिएर देखापरेको जेन एउटा ध्यान प्रणाली हो जसमा चेतनाको प्रमुख भूमिका रहेको हुन्छ । मनोवैज्ञानिक रूपमा मानसिक गतिविधिको प्रक्रियासितै चेतनाको उद्भावनामा जेन रहस्यवादले गति प्राप्त गर्दछ । व्यक्तिमा रहेको मानसिक प्रकृतिको अन्वेषण गर्दै परिपूर्ण रूपमा शून्यज्ञ भई सतोरी प्राप्त गर्नु जेन रहस्यवादको अन्तिम परिणति हो । यस प्रकारको जेन रहस्यवादी परम्परासम्बन्धी विश्वका धेरै साहित्यकारहरूले काव्य रचना गरिसकेका छन् । यस्ता रचनाहरूको विश्लेषण गर्न जेनका प्रमुख प्रणालीहरूलाई आत्मसात गर्नुपर्छ । यसका लागि विशेष रूपमा चेतना, जाजेन, कोन र सतोरीजस्ता जेनका सर्वप्रमुख पक्षहरूलाई बुझ्न आवश्यक छ । मूल रूपमा एकजना व्यक्ति तथा साधक मनोवैज्ञानिक स्तरबाट रहस्यानुभूतिसम्म पुग्नसक्ने जेनका यी मान्यतागत पक्षहरूका प्रकृति, विशेषता र जेन रहस्यवादमा यिनीहरूका के कस्ता भूमिका रहेका छन् भन्ने विषयमाथि प्रकाश पार्नु यस लेखको मुख्य उद्देश्य हो । पुस्तकालयीय स्रोतबाट सामग्री सङ्कलन गरी अध्ययन गरिएको प्रस्तुत लेख निगमनात्मक र विश्लेषणात्मक विधिमा आधारित छ । यस अध्ययनमा सङ्कलित सामग्रीलाई जेनकै सैद्धान्तिक मान्यताका आधारमा विश्लेषण गरिएको छ । अन्ततः जेन रहस्यवादमा चेतना, जाजेन, कोन र सतोरीको महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका रहेका हुनाले यिनीहरू नै जेन रहस्यान्वेषणका मूलभूत पक्ष रहेको निष्कर्ष निकालिएको छ ।</p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">[The present article focuses on studying the fundamental aspects of Zen mysticism. Zen, a unique system within the realm of mysticism, emphasizes the central role of consciousness, distinctively positioning itself as a meditative discipline. Psychologically, Zen mysticism advances through the process of mental activity and the emergence of consciousness. The ultimate goal of Zen mysticism is to reach satori (enlightenment) by attaining a complete state of Sunyata (emptiness) through an exploration of the individual's mental nature. Numerous literary figures worldwide have composed poetic works inspired by the Zen mystical tradition. To analyze such works, it is essential to internalize Zen's core principles, especially the critical elements of consciousness, zazen, koan, and satori. The primary objective of this article is to shed light on the nature, characteristics, and roles of these foundational aspects within Zen mysticism, illustrating how they enable a practitioner to move from a psychological level to a mystical experience. The article is based on deductive and analytical methods, with material gathered from library sources and analyzed within Zen's theoretical framework. Ultimately, in Zen mysticism, consciousness, zazen, koan, and satori play a significant role, leading to the conclusion that these are the fundamental aspects of Zen mystical exploration.]</span></p>Indraman Subba
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-3155142710.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73277Counter-Hegemonic Consciousness in Melawa Devi’s Selected Songs
<p>This paper explores counter-hegemonic consciousness in Melawa Devi’s selected songs. Firstly, it talks about Melawa Devi as a singer exhibiting how her four phases of life transform her from a hegemonic character to a counter-hegemonic actor. Then it explores how she negotiating with power bloc plays counter-hegemonic actions as ‘organic intellectual’ in Antonio Gramscian term, and encourages the subalterns to subtly share views against hegemonic power structure. Finally, this paper critically presents Melawa Devi’s selected songs that carry counter-hegemonic consciousness.</p>Tara Lal ShresthaBidhya Shrestha
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-3155283710.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73322गलकोटको राजनीतिक र सांस्कृतिक पृष्ठभूमि (The Political and Cultural Background of Galkot)
<p>नेपालभित्रको नेपाल भनेर चिनिने जिल्लाको नाम बागलुङ हो । बागलुङको मौलिक इतिहास र सांस्कृतिक पहिचान बोकेको स्थानीय तह भनेर गलकोट नगरपालिकालाई चिनिन्छ । यो पालिका कुनै समयमा ऐतिहासिक गलकोट राज्यका नामले चिनिन्थ्यो । गलकोटलाई चिनाउने अन्य विविध पहिचानहरू पनि छन् । तर यस लेखमा गलकोटको राजनीतिक र सांस्कृतिक पृष्ठाधारको मात्रै चर्चा गरिएको छ । गलकोट राज्यसँग राजपरम्परा र कोटथानको इतिहास जोडिएको छ । गलकोटमा मल्ल राजाहरुको १५ पुस्ताले राज्य गरेको इतिहास भेटिन्छ । कोटथानसँग माईथान, खड्गथान र हरेक जातजातिका परम्परित पूजाविधिको इतिहास जोडिएको छ । यो लेख गलकोटको राजनीतिक र सांस्कृतिक पृष्ठाधारको खोजी गर्ने उद्देश्यले तयार गरिएको हो । यसमा प्राथमिक स्रोतका सामग्रीहरु स्थलगत अवलोकन र अन्तर्वार्तामा आधारित छन् भने द्वितीयक स्रोतका सामग्रीहरू पुस्तकालयीय अध्ययनमा आधारित छन् । यस अध्ययनले गलकोटे राज परम्पराका केही अवशेषहरु मात्र बाँकी रहेको देखाउँछ भने राज परम्परासँगै स्थापना भएका कोटथान, माईथान, मस्टोथान, बराहथान, झाँक्रीथान र विभिन्न जातजातिको कुलपूजा पद्धतिमा पनि निरन्तरता, अनुकूलन र रुपान्तरणको गति तीव्र रहेको देखाउँछ । राजनीतिक र सांस्कृतिक रुपान्तरणसँगै यी कतिपय सम्पदाहरु लोपोन्मुख अवस्थामा रहेका देखिन्छन् । तसर्थ यी ऐतिहासिक र सांस्कृतिक सम्पदाहरूको संरक्षण गर्न आवश्यक छ । [Baglung, a district in Nepal, is often referred to as "Mini-Nepal." Galkot Municipality, functioning as a local government, embodies the district's fundamental historical and cultural identity. Historically, this municipality was known as the Galkot State, which holds significant political and cultural relevance. Although Galkot is associated with multiple identities, this article focuses specifically on its political and cultural background. The royal traditions and the historical significance of Kotthan are intricately linked to the Galkot State, which was ruled by 15 successive generations of Malla kings. The history of sites such as Maithan and Khadgathan, as well as the traditional rituals of various castes, are closely tied to Kotthan. This study explores the political and cultural heritage of Galkot, employing primary sources such as on-site observations and interviews, alongside secondary materials from library research. The findings indicate that only limited remnants of the Galkot royal traditions remain. However, the practices associated with kulpuja at Kotthan, Maithan, Mastothan, Barahthan, Jhankrithan, and other locations, as well as among different castes, have undergone significant processes of continuity, adaptation, and transformation. The study concludes that some of these historical and cultural heritages, which are at risk of degradation due to political and cultural changes, require urgent preservation by relevant stakeholders. This article aims to serve as an important reference for those interested in studying and safeguarding these historical and cultural legacies.]</p>Din Bahadur Thapa
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-3155385810.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73577पासो कथाको अभिघात विश्लेषण (The Trauma Analysis of 'Paso' Story)
<p>प्रस्तुत लेख माया ठकुरीको ‘पासो’ कथाको अभिघात विश्लेषणमा आधारित छ । यसमा मूल समस्याको समाधानका लागि कथामा देखिएको पूर्व अभिघात अवस्था, अभिघातका घटना र कारण तथा उत्तर अभिघात अवस्था जस्ता प्रतिमानको उपयोग गरिएको छ । प्रस्तुत लेखको सैद्धान्तिक ढाँचाको मूल आधार अभिघात समालोचनाअन्तर्गत क्याथी क्यारुलको <em>अन्क्लेइम्ड</em> <em>एक्स्पेरिएन्सः ट्रमा</em> <em>न्यारेटिभ</em> <em>एन्ड</em> <em>हिस्ट्री</em><em> (</em><em>१९९६</em><em>)</em> कृतिमा प्रस्तुत सिद्धान्त रहेको छ । व्यक्तिको जटिल मानसिक स्वास्थ्यसम्बद्ध विषय रहँदारहँदै पनि अभिघात सिद्धान्तलाई अन्तरविषयक समालोचना पद्धतिका रूपमा साहित्यले सहजै अङ्गीकार गरेको छ । समालोचनाका क्षेत्रमा अभिघात समाजमा राजनीतिक वा सांस्कृतिक तथा व्यक्तिगत वा मनोवैज्ञानिक कारणबाट पात्रमा सिर्जित तनाव र विच्छिप्तावस्थाका आधारमा कृतिको विश्लेषण गर्ने सिद्धान्त हो । यसले साहित्यिक पाठमा रहेका पूर्व अभिघातको स्वरूप, अभिघात अवस्थाका घटना र कारण तथा अभिघातपश्चातको असन्तुलित स्थितिको खोजी गरी तिनको मनोवैज्ञानिक ढङ्गले विश्लेषण गर्ने काम गर्दछ । कुलत र आफैँले निम्त्याएको सामाजिक पारिवारिक दुर्घटनाबाट सिर्जित मानसिक चोटले पुर्याएको चेतनाको क्षति चित्रण गरिएको प्रस्तुत कथामा पात्र आफ्नो जीवनको सामान्य दैनिकीबाट कुटिलता र जालझेलतर्फ प्रस्थान गरेकै कारण अभ्याहत बनेको देखिन्छ । ‘पासो’ कथाको अभिघात विश्लेषणअन्तर्गत यस लेखमा पूर्वअभिघात अवस्था, अभिघातका घटना र कारण तथा उत्तर अभिघात अवस्थाको विश्लेषणका माध्यमबाट कथा अभिघातका चरण प्रकटीकरणका दृष्टिले नियमितताको समुचित निर्वाह गर्दै सोही अनुरूपका घटनाक्रम र पात्रको मनोदशा चित्रण गर्न सफल रहेको निष्कर्ष निकालिएको छ ।</p> <p>[This article is based on the trauma analysis of Maya Thakuri's story 'Paso'. In this, paradigms such as pre-traumatic conditions, traumatic events and causes, and post-traumatic conditions have been used in the story to solve the main problem. The theoretical framework of this article is based on the theory presented in Kathy Carroll's Unclaimed Experience: Trauma Narrative and History (1996) under the title Trauma Criticism. Despite being a complex subject related to the mental health of an individual, trauma theory has been readily adopted by literature as an interdisciplinary critical method. In the field of criticism, trauma is a theory of analyzing a work based on the tension and dislocation created in the character due to political or cultural and personal or psychological reasons in society. It works by searching for the form of pre-trauma in the literary text, the events and causes of the traumatic state, and the unbalanced state after the trauma and analyzing them psychologically. In the present story, which depicts the loss of consciousness caused by mental trauma caused by addiction and self-inflicted social and family accidents, the character seems to have become a victim because he departed from the normal daily life of his life towards deviousness and deceit. Under the trauma analysis of the story 'Paso', this article concludes that the story has succeeded in depicting the sequence of events and the mood of the characters in a manner that is consistent with the regularity in terms of revealing the stages of trauma, through the analysis of the pre-traumatic state, the events and causes of the trauma, and the post-traumatic state.]</p>Bindu Sharma
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-3155596810.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73578Strategies for Enhancing Co-existence in Diverse Social Groups
<p>Co-existence is a pleasing word to converse, but an intricate word to believe and follow in a real-life situation. This article aims to suggest effective strategies for enhancing co-existence in diverse social groups. To attain these objectives, the secondary data were congregated through a comprehensive review on co-existence and the strategies for enhancing co-existence from books, journal articles, and website materials published from the year 1971 to 2024. The article employed exploratory research and operated thematic analysis as its qualitative research design. It identifies. promoting inclusive education, encouraging intercultural dialogue, supporting community engagement initiatives, implementing anti-discrimination policies, promoting social integration programs, facilitating interfaith initiatives, encouraging multicultural policies, supporting civil society organizations, and promoting economic inclusion as the effective strategies for enhancing co-existence in diverse social groups. This article provides exquisite insights for leaders, policymakers and citizens, emphasizing that the feeling of co-existence is essential for the overall well-being of a nations and its citizens.</p>Lok Raj SharmaRupak Khulal
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-3155697810.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73579Exploring Effective Strategies for Fostering Economic Growth in Developing Nations
<p>Achieving sustainable economic growth is a critical challenge for developing nations. Economic growth is the increase in the production of goods and services in an economy over a specific period, typically measured by the rise in real gross domestic product (GDP). This article explores effective strategies for fostering economic growth, drawing from existing literature published between 1934 and 2024. Key factors identified include robust governance, infrastructure development, education, and technological innovation. The role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and trade liberalization in stimulating economic activities is emphasized. Inclusive policies targeting poverty reduction and social inequality are crucial to ensure widespread benefits of growth. The article concludes investment in education and skills development, promotion of infrastructure development: promotion of infrastructure development, strengthening institutions and governance: promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation, trade liberalization and regional integration, health and social protection systems, investment in human capital, promoting gender equality, enhancing governance and reducing corruption, supporting small and medium enterprises, encouraging foreign direct investment , fostering innovation and technology adoption, and implementing sound macroeconomic policies as effective strategies for fostering economic growth. The findings highlight the necessity of integrating macroeconomic stability, institutional reforms, and human capital development for sustained economic progress. The study suggests that strategic investments in human capital, strong governance frameworks, and adaptive economic policies can enhance growth prospects, providing valuable insights for policymakers and development practitioners.</p>Bin Bahadur Raut
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-3155798710.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73588Factors Influencing of Colleges’ Students to Abroad”: A Survey Study
<p><em>This study aims to unpack the factors of students’ choices of out-migration. The independent variables are push and pull factors and the dependent variable is the socio-economic motive for going abroad. Push factors consist of unemployment, poverty, family conflict, an inferior education system, political disturbance, and poor development activities, and pull factors consist of the desire to study, fashion, earn and learn, be rich, relative invite, and friends' suggestions. The study is carried out with a quantitative research design. The nature of the study is descriptive. For this study, data was collected from primary sources. The researchers obtained data about the sample using answers to structural questionnaires from the bachelor-level students of Dolkaha, Nepal. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied for the data analysis using SPSS software version 23. According to respondents from the data analysis, most college students are unsatisfied with Nepal's current political system and government intervention for socio-economic development. This research found that push and pull factors are significant determinants but push factors are more important than pull factors to motivate migration. Thus, three-tier governments should increase the budget for higher education for quality education and productive sectors with research</em><em>This study aims to unpack the factors of students’ choices of out-migration. The independent variables are push and pull factors and the dependent variable is the socio-economic motive for going abroad. Push factors consist of unemployment, poverty, family conflict, an inferior education system, political disturbance, and poor development activities, and pull factors consist of the desire to study, fashion, earn and learn, be rich, relative invite, and friends' suggestions. The study is carried out with a quantitative research design. The nature of the study is descriptive. For this study, data was collected from primary sources. The researchers obtained data about the sample using answers to structural questionnaires from the bachelor-level students of Dolkaha, Nepal. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied for the data analysis using SPSS software version 23. According to respondents from the data analysis, most college students are unsatisfied with Nepal's current political system and government intervention for socio-economic development. This research found that push and pull factors are significant determinants but push factors are more important than pull factors to motivate migration. Thus, three-tier governments should increase the budget for higher education for quality education and productive sectors with research</em></p>Bikram Karki
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-3155889810.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73626Exploring the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Insights from Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives in Nepal
<p>The study explores the perspectives of teachers and students regarding the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education in Nepal. Adopting a qualitative research methodology, a survey was conducted with 200 students and 20 teachers through Google Forms from various educational backgrounds to assess their attitudes toward AI tools. The results indicate that both groups recognize AI is potential to enhance learning and teaching experiences, although their perceptions differ across specific aspects. This study explores the perspectives of teachers and students regarding the integration of artificial intelligence students generally appreciate AI’s role in improving engagement, motivation, and personalized learning but they also express concerns about privacy, collaboration, and effectiveness of these tools in promoting independent research. Teachers report benefits such as improved lesson plans, grading efficiency, and data-driven insights. However, they highlight challenges in aligning AI with their pedagogical approaches and achieving consistent student engagement. The findings underscore the transformation potential of AI in education while identifying areas for improvement, including the need for privacy safeguards and adaptability to diverse teaching methods. To address these issues, education institutions can better leverage AI’s capabilities fostering more inclusive and effective learning environments for the students.</p>Shiva Dutta ChapagaiBhabana Adhikari
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-31559910810.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73633An Empirical Study on E-Commerce and Its Determinants in the Context of Nepalese Small and Medium Enterprises
<p> study explores the factors driving e-commerce adoption among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Nepal. It highlights critical determinants influencing the adoption process, such as technological readiness, cost considerations, government support, and entrepreneurial competencies. The research aims to assess the status of these determinants, analyze their interrelationships, and evaluate their collective impact on e-commerce adoption. Employing a descriptive and causal research design, data were collected from 426 SMEs within the Kathmandu Valley region using structured questionnaires. Statistical analyses, including correlation and regression, were conducted with SPSS to explore the connections between the identified factors and the adoption of e-commerce. The survey was conducted in August 2024 through a convenience sampling method, and a casual research design was applied. The findings reveal that technological readiness, adoption cost, and entrepreneurial competencies significantly influence e-commerce adoption among SMEs, whereas government support has a minimal positive impact. These results highlight the need for improved technological infrastructure, cost-effective solutions, and targeted government policies to promote e-commerce adoption. This study enhances the understanding of e-commerce adoption in developing contexts and economies. It offers practical insights for policymakers, business owners, and researchers interested in the digital transformation of SMEs.</p>Ganesh BhattaraiPallavi Thapa
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-315510912210.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73701Addressing Educational Inequities in Urban Slums: A Narrative Review
<p>This study examines the challenges faced by children living in urban slums regarding access to education, drawing insights from a systematic process 27 published journal articles, academic papers and Seminar reports are selected Among these, 16 were chosen for detailed discussion, resulting key findings on socio-economic barriers, parental education levels, and awareness gaps hampering educational opportunities for slum-dwelling children. Findings prevalent problems as inadequate infrastructure, ineffective teaching methods, and parental disengagement exacerbating educational disparities. Study highlights interventions including skill development programs, targeted public initiatives, and policy reforms to address these challenges. Recommendations emphasize collaborative efforts among stakeholders to implement educational policies, improve infrastructure in government schools, and enhance parental awareness. Adopting diverse social work approaches is recommended to address the multifaceted challenges confronting slum communities. Implementing these interventions can contribute to fostering more equitable and inclusive education system, thereby advancing the well-being of all children in urban slums.</p>Namrata Bhattrai
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-315512313210.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73702Remittance and Inflation Dynamics in Nepal: An Econometric Analysis
<p>This empirical study investigates the remittance and inflation dynamics in the present context of Nepal. Major objective of the study is to find out the impact of remittance on inflation in Nepal. It also aims to find out the relationship between CPI and the independent variables- remittance, exchange rate, money supply and population. Data were obtained from the published source of world bank from 1993 to 2022. Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test was implied to test the stationary situation of the variables to remove the problem of spurious regression. After confirming some variables were integrated in I (0) and some are in I (1) order, ARDL model was applied to find out co-integration of the variables for long run relationship. Error corrections model was used after ARDL model that helps to show the speed of adjustment towards long-run equilibrium. Results show remittance and inflation are co-integrated and the coefficient of error correction term was negative and significant which indicates the long-run relationship. So remittance from foreign sectors should be used not only in consumption sectors that promotes inflation but it should be used in productive sectors too. This study will be helpful to policymakers whether remittance is causing inflation in the country.</p>Uttam Lal Joshi
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-315513314410.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73703Telemedicine: A Growing Need during the COVID-19 Pandemic
<p>The world has been facing an enormous challenge to cope with containing the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), be it alone with vaccinations or innovative ways to help people get treated. Telemedicine is one such boon for people to get some help during COVID-19. The purpose of this study was to identify the growing demand for telemedicine, investigate its use in various nations, and assess its strengths, difficulties, and prospects in the Nepalese context. This paper took a narrative descriptive technique, using Google, Google Scholar, and Pubmed as key search engines from January to February 2024, to investigate the growing need for telemedicine in emergencies, its worldwide use, and its application in Nepal. It searches for related material using keywords such as "telemedicine", "telehealth", "COVID-19", and "Nepal". The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the development of telemedicine, with patients and healthcare professionals expressing satisfaction with visits. The pandemic has prompted increased use of telemedicine, telepharmacy, teledermoscopy, artificial intelligence, and robotic machines, requiring collaboration between national and individual groups. Telemedicine's economic sustainability is threatened by increased private practitioners, potential fees, low adoption rates, lack of legal frameworks, and inadequate health facilities in developing countries, necessitating further research on visit-related factors and patient-provider connections.</p>Shastha BanuBhagwan AryalSujala MathemaBhagarathi Joshi
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-315514515610.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73704Human Responses to Pandemics Then and Now: A Comparative Study of Giovanni Boccaccio's the Decameron and Emile St. John Mandel's Station Eleven
<p>This research work makes a comparative study of Giovanni Boccaccio's The Decameron (1353) and Emile St. John Mandel's Station Eleven (2014) to investigate how they project human responses to pandemics over a time difference of almost seven centuries. The first fictional work belongs to the fourteenth century whereas the second to the twenty-first. The main aim of this study is to critically observe the differences, if any, in human responses to pandemics. Analyzing the texts, drawing on the critical ideas of Frank M. Snowden as a theoretical perspective and collecting data from scholarly publications, the study concludes that there are differences in the outward responses to pandemics but similarities in the basic motive. Human beings liked to flee away from the infected place due to the fear of insecurity there. The methods taken up to minimize the negative impacts of pandemics vary then and now. In the fourteenth century, human beings were religiously guided whereas in the twenty first, they are guided by science and technology. Similarly, in the representation of both pandemics, the role of art is valued greatly. Based on the qualitative research design, this research work obtains data from the library study and uses textual analysis method for data analysis in relation to the research problems. This research is valuable for the general public and the health researchers for developing protective measures in the context of the sudden outbreak of pandemics.</p>Prakash SharmaToya Nath Upadhyay
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-315515716410.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73705Assessment of Digital Integration in Learning
<p>This research explores the integration of digital tools, particularly mobile learning, in educational contexts in Nepal, aiming to optimize their effectiveness. Employing a questionnaire-based methodology, data was collected from students across all over Nepal using a Google Form distributed through online media. Insights were gathered from 1104 students, revealing widespread ownership and usage of mobile devices for studying. Findings indicate a preference for laptops and smartphones, with web pages and applications being the most utilized resources. Significant associations were observed between the type of mobile device, academic major, and preference for mobile learning. The study concludes that digital tools play a critical role in modern education, emphasizing the need for comprehensive policies to promote their integration. Recommendations include government initiatives to enhance access to educational devices, conduct proper trainings to learners, expand internet connectivity, address technical challenges, and distribute digital equipment to enhance mobile learning experiences for equity of access to technology all over Nepal.</p>Shreeraj Khatiwada
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-315516517710.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73715Human-Animal Conflict in Jaimini Municipality, Baglung, Nepal
<p>This study examines the factors that lead to conflict between people and animals in the Jaimini Municipality of Baglung Nepal with an emphasis on how shifting economic conditions impact livestock and agriculture. In terms of agricultural loss livestock depredation and human causation this study sought to explore the conflict between humans and wildlife. It also aims to comprehend local perspectives tolerance and compensation levels as well as the causes of losses brought by wild animals. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed in the study including focus groups semi-structured interviews, questionnaire, surveys and case studies. The findings indicated that the most significant harm caused by human animal conflict (HAC) was crop damage with animal attacks on settlements being more common in areas near forests. There was no discernible difference in the amount of damage caused by elephants to various socioeconomic classes making property damage the second most frequent problem encountered by the locals. The results imply that since humans want to rule over and take advantage of nature and animals they are to blame for the conflict. Anger and negativity are common reactions from victims of animal abuse. Problems with migration dependency and brain drain have resulted from the conflicts detrimental effects on the livelihoods of the local population. The study evaluated stakeholders' capacity to reduce human-wildlife conflicts which are mostly caused by mishandling community forests and problems with their applications. Policymakers practitioners, researchers can benefit from its insights into the intricate relationships between people animal's migration and social transformation.</p>Saroj Raj Panta
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-315517819410.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73717Barriers to Green Financing in Developing Nation: An Investor’s Perspective for Promoting Sustainable Development
<p>Green financing plays a pivotal role in addressing environmental challenges and fostering sustainable development, particularly in emerging economies. However, its adoption is often hindered by systemic barriers. This study examines the barriers to green financing in Nepal, focusing on four critical factors: the incapability of banks and financial institutions (BFIs), limited accessibility, political constraints, and public perception. Using a quantitative, cross-sectional survey design, data were collected from 228 investors across Nepal’s Kathmandu Valley. Statistical analyses, including correlation and regression, reveal that all four factors significantly influence investor participation in green financing, with political constraints and accessibility emerging as the most prominent barriers. The findings highlight a considerable communication gap, insufficient institutional capacity, and weak policy support as key obstacles. This study underscores the need for enhanced public awareness, institutional capacity building, and supportive regulatory frameworks to overcome these challenges. By addressing these barriers, Nepal can unlock the potential of green financing, advancing its sustainability goals and economic resilience. The research contributes valuable insights to the growing body of literature on green finance, offering actionable implications for policymakers, financial institutions, and investors in similar emerging markets.</p>Manoj Kumar ChaudharyMadhav AdhikariNimisha Shakya
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-315519520810.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73761Traditional Governance in Nepal's Majhi Communities: A Case Study of Majhesawa in Sindhupalchok and Ramechhap Districts
<p>Customary self-government system of the indigenous Majhi community called Majhesawa is at the stage of extinction and its remnants can be found in Sindhupalchok and Ramechhap districts. The aim of this research is to explore current situation of Majhesawa in Sindhupalchok and Ramechhap districts. The design of the study was qualitative in Nature. 70 participants were selected using a purposive sampling method from Sindhupalchok and Ramechhap districts. Primary data were collected using Focused Group Discussion and in-depth interview as data collection tools in 2024, and secondary data were collected reviewing different literatures. It is found that in both districts, forming Majhesawa committees is being conducted as a campaign with the understanding that all the problems that appear in the Majhi community can be solved at the community level by protecting and promoting the rights and interests of the Majhi. Active participation of youths, elders and women is seen in this campaign. Although Majhesawa committees have been formed in most of the Majhi settlements, all committees are inactive due to lack of written documents and knowledge about duties, responsibilities and rights. Majhesawa committees are performing their role especially during the Koshi Puja. In both districts, the Majhesawa committees have not received legal recognition from any government body so far and there has been no effort from the Majhi community to do so. It seems that organizations related to Majhi community and people related to Majhesawa should take the initiative to obtain legal recognition to operate Majhesawa and prepare necessary procedures and documents. This article can be useful to the social workers and political leaders.</p>Laxman Paudel
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)
2024-12-312024-12-3155209201910.3126/irjmmc.v5i5.73774Sustainable Eco-Tourism in Tinjure Hills: A Spotlight on Nepal's Rhododendron Capital
<p>Customary self-government system of the indigenous Majhi community called Majhesawa is at the stage of extinction and its remnants can be found in Sindhupalchok and Ramechhap districts. The aim of this research is to explore current situation of Majhesawa in Sindhupalchok and Ramechhap districts. The design of the study was qualitative in Nature. 70 participants were selected using a purposive sampling method from Sindhupalchok and Ramechhap districts. Primary data were collected using Focused Group Discussion and in-depth interview as data collection tools in 2024, and secondary data were collected reviewing different literatures. It is found that in both districts, forming Majhesawa committees is being conducted as a campaign with the understanding that all the problems that appear in the Majhi community can be solved at the community level by protecting and promoting the rights and interests of the Majhi. Active participation of youths, elders and women is seen in this campaign. Although Majhesawa committees have been formed in most of the Majhi settlements, all committees are inactive due to lack of written documents and knowledge about duties, responsibilities and rights. Majhesawa committees are performing their role especially during the Koshi Puja. In both districts, the Majhesawa committees have not received legal recognition from any government body so far and there has been no effort from the Majhi community to do so. It seems that organizations related to Majhi community and people related to Majhesawa should take the initiative to obtain legal recognition to operate Majhesawa and prepare necessary procedures and documents. This article can be useful to the social workers and political leaders.</p>Drona Budhathoki
Copyright (c) 2025 International Research Journal of MMC (IRJMMC)