Policy of IRJMMC

Policy of IRJMMC

  1. Journal Policies
    Manuscripts that do not meet the standards described below will be rejected. Minor deficiencies will be referred to the corresponding author for clarification.
  1. Ethical standards in research
    Authors should note that the processing of manuscripts may be delayed if there is any doubt about their conformity with the ethical standards required by International Research Journal of Makawanpur Multiple Campus. Authors are required to provide full information on the ethical approval process and sufficient explicit information about experimental procedures to allow non-specialist readers to appreciate the extent and need for the procedures described.
    Ethics Editors
    To ensure that articles published are of a high standard both scientifically and with respect to the ethics of experimentation, International Research Journal of Makawanpur Multiple Campus appoint chief Editors to provide prompt advice on ethical questions about the experiments reported in submitted manuscripts. Articles may be rejected on ethical grounds if the study reported does not meet journal standards for reporting and ethical permission.
  1. Editorial policy
    All submissions are treated as confidential and neither the Editors nor the Reviewers should communicate directly with the author.
    Conflict of interest
    Conflict of interest exists when an Editor’s or Reviewer's other interests interact with their editorial responsibilities in such a way that they cannot render a fair and unbiased assessment of a manuscript assigned to them. A conflict of interest need not necessarily disqualify an Editor or Reviewer from handling a manuscript. However, it is necessary that any actual, perceived or possible conflict of interest is disclosed.
    Authors with manuscripts under review should not make contact regarding the manuscript with possible Editors or Reviewers, for example, those whose names are suggested on the submission form, as this may disrupt the review process by creating a conflict of interest for the Editor or Reviewer.
    Editors or Reviewers should not handle manuscripts which meet any of the following criteria:
  • From the institution at which they currently work; 
  • Previous involvement with the manuscript, except as an independent reviewer for another journal;
  • In direct competition with the author(s), e.g. currently working on the same mechanism as the one presented in the manuscript under review;
  • By authors with whom they have had a professional collaboration within the past three years (collaboration includes the preparation of manuscripts relating to past research); 
  • By authors with whom they have had a financial collaboration (e.g. shared grant) within the past three years; 
  • By authors with whom they have had a close personal or professional relationship or association, including disputes; 
  • Funded by a commercial organization with whom they have a relationship through funding, consultancy, financial involvement or patent ownership; and/or 
  • Where they have a financial interest in the paper’s publication (e.g. where a patent is involved).

    If the Editor or Reviewer feels that their involvement with the authors might represent an actual, perceived or possible conflict of interest, they must declare this before agreeing to edit the manuscript. The Editor-in-Chief will make a judgement as to whether the possible conflict of interest will prevent the Editor or Reviewer forming an objective and non-biased opinion on the manuscript or could expose the journal to claims of bias.
  1. Preprint policy
    International Research Journal of Makawanpur Multiple Campusallow submissions of manuscripts that have previously been posted on a not-for-profit, subject-based preprint in its website. Authors who post their work as a preprint are required to disclose this during submission. If the article is accepted, authors must inform the preprint server of the final journal publication details, as well as providing them with a URL linking to the published version. Reference of the preprint version should be provided in a footnote to the article. The preprint version may be updated with the accepted version after an embargo period of 12 months post-publication.
  1. IRJMMC's Author Name Change Policy
    In cases where authors wish to change their name following publication, IRJMMC will update and republish the article and redeliver the updated metadata to indexing services. Our editorial and production teams will use discretion in recognizing that name changes may be of a sensitive and private nature for various reasons including (but not limited to) alignment with gender or caste identity, or as a result of marriage, divorce, or religious conversion. Accordingly, to protect the author’s privacy, we will not publish a correction notice to the article, and we will not notify co-authors of the change. Authors should contact the journal’s Publications Office with their name change request. This policy should not be used to correct mistakes in authors’ names.
  1. Publication costs
    International Research Journal of Makawanpur Multiple Campus does not impose submission or page charges. There is no restriction on page length or the number of tables or figures for research articles. 
  2. Colour charges
    IRJMMC is online and paper print. So, all colour figures online are free. But the paper print may cost and reported to the author.
  3. Offprints
    Free access to the final PDF offprint or your article is available via IRJMMC
  4. Publication Ethics
    International Research Journal of Makawanpur Multiple Campusfollows  IRJMMC guidelines when dealing with cases of alleged misconduct. Investigations into misconduct are usually handled by the Editor-in-chief at the Publications Office in consultation with the RMC.
    Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC)
    International Research Journal of Makawanpur Multiple Campus require authors to fully disclose the use of any generative artificial intelligence tools in the preparation of their manuscript, as per IRJMMCs policy. This disclosure should be placed in the Methods or Acknowledgements section, and must be transparent and detailed. Authors are responsible for both the accuracy of information provided by these tools, and for correctly referencing any supporting work on which that information depends. Tools that are solely used to improve spelling, grammar and general editing are not included in the scope of this policy.
    AIGC tools cannot be named as authors.
    Reviewers are prohibited from using such tools, to prevent violation upon the intellectual property and confidentiality rights of submitting authors.
    The criteria which those listed as an author must fulfil are:
  • conception or design of the work

  • acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data for the work

  • drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content;
  • approving the final version of the manuscript; and
  • agreeing to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

    Corresponding authors must declare that all persons designated as authors qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify for authorship are listed.

    Contributors who do not meet the above criteria for authorship should not be listed as authors, but have their contribution (e.g. acquisition of funding, general supervision of a research group, administrative support, writing assistance, technical editing, language editing, or proofreading) listed in the Acknowledgements section of the manuscript.

    Additional information such as ‘X and Y have contributed equally to this work’ may be added as a footnote on the title page.

    Authors may now include their personal pronouns in the author by-lines of their published articles and on IRJMMC Online Library. This is optional, and not a requirement. Authors can include their pronouns in their manuscript upon submission and can add, edit, or remove their pronouns at any stage upon request. Submitting/corresponding authors should never add, edit, or remove a co-author’s pronouns without that co-author’s consent. Where post-publication changes to pronouns are required, these can be made without a correction notice to the paper, in accordance with IRJMMC’s Policy, to protect the author’s privacy.

    Overlapping material, plagiarism and duplicate publication
    The Journal use the results of its own plagiarism detection software 'Turnitin' to check submitted manuscripts for overlap with previously-published material. 

    Only in exceptional circumstances may results submitted for publication in IRJMMC repeat findings already published or intended to be published elsewhere; posting of material on a website is considered as prior publication.
    Exceptions are:
  1. Abstracts and posters presented as part of conference proceedings (not exceeding 400 words).
  2. Results presented at meetings (for example, to inform investigators or participants about findings).
  3. Preprints on not-for-profit preprint servers (see ‘preprint policy’ section below)
  4. Patent filings.
  5. Dissertations and theses in university archives. It is important that the author(s) seeks, and is granted, re-publication permission from the university under the relevant license in IRJMMC's journal. The thesis should also be cited fully in the article.

    If the threshold for an exception is not met, authors should instead refer to their previous findings in the same way as they would to work from a different group. This policy applies to results in the widest sense and not simply to figures or parts of figures. Manuscripts that report expanded versions of work published elsewhere are not normally acceptable.

    It is the responsibility of the author to inform the journal if their submitted manuscript contains material which overlaps content already published.

    A submission must be accompanied by copies of any material, published by the authors in the last year, that overlaps the content of the manuscript. This should include preliminary notes, communications, abstracts, chapters or reviews, plus any other type of exception noted previously. Please also include any 'in press' or submitted articles. These should be submitted as 'Supplemental files' in PDF format, and reference made to them in the authors' comments box during submission.

    Upon submission of an article, authors are required to warrant that the article is an original work, has not been published before and is not being considered for publication elsewhere in its final form either in printed or electronic form.

    Image manipulation
    Photographic images such as micrographs or photographs of gel arrays are primary data and must not be edited using facilities offered by imaging software such as Photoshop, although images can be sized and cropped if necessary. The component parts of composite photographic images should be indicated by dividing lines. If adjustments to contrast, brightness or colour balance are desired to make features of interest in the image clearer, they should be made to the whole image and reported in the figure legend. Authors are required to store original image data for 5 years following publication and to provide these files to The IRJMMC if requested.

    Please note that International Research Journal of Makawanpur Multiple Campus will ask authors at the revised manuscript stage to submit full, complete, uncropped, labelled original blot/gel images if they are not included in the manuscript to carry out checks to ensure that no inappropriate, unethical or misleading image manipulation has occurred. Any modifications to the original image must be clearly noted, applied to the whole image and faithfully represent the original image.
  1. Licensing and Open Access

    License options and Open Access charges
    International Research Journal of Makawanpur Multiple Campus is compliant with license they require authors to sign.
    Unless a different license is selected, authors are required to sign an Exclusive License Agreement formatted and sent by the IRJMMC.
    Authors remain the copyright owner of the article. IRJMMC is Open Access journal.
    The RMC of Makawanpur Multiple Campus is committed to the principle of public access to research results published in International Research Journal of Makawanpur Multiple Campus as far as it is compatible with sustaining its mission and the viability and quality of its journals.

If you have any questions regarding these policies, please contact the RMC of Makawanpur Multiple Campus and IRJMMC.